Resources For Students

Additional Materials: Civil rights in a Trump Era teach-out



What does “civil rights” mean in the Trump era? How and why is the category evolving? This Teach-Out focuses on the civil rights aspects of two current debates–health care and the President’s seven-country travel ban–looking at politics, protest, and law. To understand these better, you will learn about foundational civil rights history dating back to Reconstruction (after the Civil War). You will also hear the perspectives of scholars in law, sociology, and political science, as well as civil rights advocates, who will all discuss how civil rights are defended and contested, often growing and contracting in response to other demands and debates. This Teach-Out ends with a call to action for you: How will you participate as our nation defines our rights?

Unit Questions

Civil Rights generally:
  • What does “civil rights” mean? How has the category been understood both in the past and present?
  • In what way is healthcare reform a civil rights demand?
  • In what way does the civil rights “frame” fail to fit healthcare policy?
  • Why did the 19th-century Supreme Court declare immigration a constitutional-law-free zone?
  • How are courts–including the Supreme Court–analyzing the President’s seven-country travel ban?
A Teach-Out is:
  • an event – it takes place over a fixed, short period of time
  • an opportunity – it is open for free participation to everyone around the world
  • a community – it will be joined by a large number of diverse individuals
  • a conversation – an opportunity to give and take ideas and information from people

Content Overview